Showing 1–20 of 41 results

1.8” Inch 128×160 TFT LCD Shield Display Module SPI Serial Interface for Arduino Esplora

1.8 inch 128 x 160 LCD Screen Module SPI Serial Interface For Arduino Esplora 160 x 128 LED Backlight 160×128

1602 LCD Keypad Shield 2×16 for Arduino

1. Display: 16 × 2 characters 2. Operating voltage: 4.5-5.5V 3. Operating Current: 2.0mA (5.0V) 4. Module best working voltage:

4-Channel L293D Motor Driver Shield Stepper Motor Driver for Arduino Mega 2560 and UNO R3

L293D is a monolithic integrated, high voltage, high current, 4-channel driver?you can use DC motors and power supplies of up to 36 Volts, the L293D chip is also known as a type of H-Bridge?which is typically an electrical circuit that enables a voltage to be applied across a load in either direction to an output, e.g. motor.

Arduino Mega Sensor Shield V2.0 V1.0 for Mega2560 R3

Sensor Shield V2.0 allows you to connect to various modules like sensors, servos, relays, buttons, potentiometers.

Arduino Uno Sensor Shield V5.0

Sensor Shield V5.0 allows you to connect to various modules like sensors, servos, relays, buttons, potentiometers. Each functional module has buckled port with VCC, GND and Output, which has corresponding port on the Sensor Shield.

BMP180 Digital Barometric Pressure Sensor Shield for WeMos D1 Mini

BMP180 Temperature/Barometric Pressure Sensor Shield for the WeMos family of boards for the ESP8266 and ESP32.

Buzzer Shield V1.0.0 for WEMOS D1 Mini

Frequency: 1kHz-3kHz 4 optional control pins (Default: D5 - D8) High level trigger 3.3V

CNC Shield V3 Engraving Machine Kit for Arduino Uno

CNC shield V3 is designed to control a CNC engraver machine or a 3D printer

CNC Shield V4 Engraving Machine Kit for Arduino Nano

CNC Shield V4.0 can be used as a drive expansion board for engraving machines and need to be used with Arduino NANO.

Ethernet Shield W5100 with MicroSD card slot for Arduino

With this Ethernet Shield, your Arduino board can be used to connect to internet.

L298P Motor Shield

L298P PWM Speed Controller Dual High-Power H-bridge Driver Bluetooth Interface L298P Motor Shield Board for Motor Shield stepping DC motor