The HC06 is a slave Bluetooth 2.0+EDR serial (UART) pass-through module. It can easily pair with a master Bluetooth device, but cannot pair with another slave device.
It can be connected to the serial pins on your Arduino or other dev board and serve as a wireless serial link, all without having to do anything except connect power, ground, Tx, and Rx. Once powered, the module automatically starts broadcasting its ID waiting for a master Bluetooth device to pair with it.
The module has an on-board voltage regulator which allows you to power the module with supply voltages of 3.6V to 6V.
With a logic level of 3.3V you can directly connect this module to a Raspberry Pi but we recommend using a logic level converter when connecting it to 5V logic devices such as most Arduino boards.
- You can use AT commands, without any new-line or return characters, to change the following settings on the HC-06:
- Device ID
- Send “AT+NAMExxxx” where xxxx is the new name
- Example: “AT+NAMEMyDevice” will change the name to MyDevice
- Send “AT+NAMExxxx” where xxxx is the new name
- Passcode
- Send “AT+PIN####” replace #### with desired four digit pin
- Example: “AT+PIN9876” will change the passcode to 9876
- Send “AT+PIN####” replace #### with desired four digit pin
- Baud Rate:
- Send “AT+BAUD#” replace # with the associated baud code found in the Baud Rate Code Table below
- Example: “AT+BAUD8” will change the baud rate to 115200
- Send “AT+BAUD#” replace # with the associated baud code found in the Baud Rate Code Table below
Supply Voltage 3.6V to 6V
Chipset CSR BC417
Bluetooth Version V2.0 + EDR
Default Device ID Addicore HC-06
Default Passcode 1234
Default Baud Rate 9600
Board Dimensions:
Length (not including pins) 37mm (1.457″)
Width 16.96mm (0.668″)
Weight 3.24g (0.114oz)
Baud Code Baud Rate
1 1200
2 2400
3 4800
4 9600 (Default)
5 19200
6 38400
7 57600
8 115200
9 230400
A 460800
B 921600
C 1382400
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