The weather station uses the ESP8266-12E to receive data from the Internet: time of a city, weather data and forecast information for the next 3 days, scrolling on the OLED display.
The device can switch to view data from any city in the world – maybe your relatives or friends live there.
The device uses sensors DHT11, BMP180, BH1750FVI to collect temperature, humidity, air pressure and light data.
The weather station reads data indoors via sensor every 5 seconds and uploads it to the Internet every 60 seconds.
You can view real-time data tables from your phone or computer. Of course, you can change the code to implement different functions.
Package includes:
1 x ESP8266-12E development board
1 x DHT11 temperature humidity sensor
1 x BMP180 barometric sensor
1 x BH1750FVI light intensity sensor
1 x 0.96” OLED display
1 x USB cable.
2 x Breadboard
20 x jumper wire
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